
ADF_050:ADF 11g 问与答

注意,做实验时,发现保存个性化查询条件,会报错:oracle.mds.exception.ReadOnlyStoreException: MDS-01273: ...
<mds-config> ......
<cust-config> ......
<namespace path="/persdef" metadata-store-usage="MAR_TargetRepos"/> </metadata-namespaces>
<metadata-store-usage id="MAR_TargetRepos" deploy-target="true" default-cust-store="true">
</persistence-config> ......

5. 如何在页面中嵌入flash,并且自动播放?
ADF中有一个media组件,可以支持播放视频和音频,但试验后发现,只有音频可以自动播放,视频无法自动播放,即使设置了autostart=" true " 也不行。
Oracle ADF开发小组承认这个功能有BUG,在下一个版本会FIX。
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
</meta> <title>untitled1</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="swfobject.js">
<script type="text/javascript">
var flashvars = false;
var params = { };
params.wmode = "Transparent";
swfobject.embedSWF("popupintable.swf", "flashcontent", "932", "364", "9.0.0", "expressInstall.swf", flashvars, params);
<div id="flashcontent">This text is replaced by the Flash movie.</div>
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<jsp:root xmlns:jsp="http://java.sun.com/JSP/Page" version="2.1" xmlns:f="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core" xmlns:h="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html" xmlns:af="http://xmlns.oracle.com/adf/faces/rich%22&gt;
<jsp:directive.page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8"/>
<af:document id="d1">
<af:resource source="swfobject.js" type="javascript"/>
<af:resource type="javascript">
var flashvars = false;
var params = { };
params.wmode = "Transparent";
swfobject.embedSWF("../popupintable.swf", "flashcontent", "932", "364", "9.0.0", "../expressInstall.swf", flashvars, params);
<af:form id="f1">
<div id="flashcontent">This text is replaced by the Flash movie.</div>

6. 发布ADF Web应用时,出现异常如下:
oracle.jbo.DMLException: JBO-26061: Error while opening JDBC connection.at oracle.jbo.server.ConnectionPool.createConnection(ConnectionPool.java:253)at oracle.jbo.server.ConnectionPool.instantiateResource(ConnectionPool.java:168)at oracle.jbo.pool.ResourcePool.createResource(ResourcePool.java:546)at oracle.jbo.pool.ResourcePool.useResource(ResourcePool.java:327)at oracle.jbo.server.ConnectionPool.getConnectionInternal(ConnectionPool.java:104)Truncated. see log file for complete stacktracejava.sql.SQLException: ORA-01005: null password given; logon denied

在setDomainEnv.cmd 脚本中增加一个JAVA_PROPERTIES:

7. 如何让一个普通Project可以使用JSF/ADF组件?
(1)右键点击Project,选择Project Properties,选择JSP Tag Libraries,选择Select Distributed libraries,增加ADF Faces Components 11,(只选这个就可以,其它的会带过来)。
(2)继续选择Technology Scope,选择JSF(只选这个就可以,其它的会带过来)。
如果你需要使用ADF Controller,你还要增加。

7. 图表中的饼状图,当小于某一个值的项目过多时,能否自动归类成一个项目:其它?

8. 用户的自定义查询条件能否保存,避免用户每次退出/登录都要重新设置?
可以,具体设置请参考《客制化与个性化 ADF 应用》。

9. 表格的自定义能否保存,避免用户每次退出/登录都要重新设置?
可以,具体设置请参考《客制化与个性化 ADF 应用》。

10. ValueBinding已经不建议使用了,那么如何实现以前的功能,比如:
ValueBinding vb = facesContext.getApplication().createValueBinding("#{bindings}");
DCBindingContainer dc = (DCBindingContainer) vb.getValue(facesContext);

可以。使用 resolveExpression方法就可以,该方法在JSFUtil.java中。

11. 如何实现点击一个按钮,实现一个异步操作。得到响应后,再以某种方式通知页面?

12. 使用WLS Console启动Manage Server时,无法启动ADF Liberary,抛出异常java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: oracle.jrf.wls.JRFStartup?
设置 StartScriptEnabled=true。
(2)重启Node Manager。
(3)重启Manager Server。

13. 柱状图的Y轴的数据有时悬殊比较大,是否能够自适应,能否设置最大值,最小值?

14. 如果表单内容是动态的(有时项目多,有时项目少),表单下面的按钮能否随着内容的多少始终与最后一个项目保持同样的距离?

15. 表单中的选项为Required时,错误提示可以放在其它地方吗(目前默认是在该选项的右边)?

16. 某个输入选项的值,必须通过查询得到,查询条件在另一个窗口,如何把查询结果返回给该输入选项?

17 使用柱状图时,横轴文字很长,是否会自动换行?

18. 表格的excel导出功能,能否带格式导出(比如虚线效果)?

19. 1. ADF 是否支持SDO,如何使用?

20. Office 软件如何与JSR 227交互?

21. 支持Struts的哪个版本?

22. 如何在.jspx中增加JavaScript脚本?
<f:facet name="metaContainer"> <af:resource type="javascript" source="/js/deletewithkey.js"/> </f:facet>
有关resource Tag的详细说明,请参考http://jdevadf.oracle.com/adf-richclient-demo/docs/tagdoc/af_resource.html

23. 使用IE8做实验时,所有的按钮都不起作用,浏览器左下角出现错误提示:
行: 5660
字符: 2
代码: 0

(4)4.重启IE 。

1.Create and CreateInsert
2.Binding Objects in the Executables Section
3.Controlling Execution of Executables
4.Binding Objects in the Parameters Section,如何访问页面参数
5.JSF Lifecycle: Is repeated many times within a user application session
6. Any executables that have their refresh attribute set to prepareModel are refreshed7. Lifecycle listeners can be configured for the following scopes
8. ADF RC run stand alone?
9. Peer Object
10.Page-level security is not checked within bounded task flows
11.Shared memory scope enables data to be passed between activities within the task flow
12.Save Point and Restore
13.改变Java to EJB 界面是否要修改?Create Data Control 是否要重新生成?是否有变化?如果接口没变?


ADF_049:发布与运行 Oracle Fusion Order Demo

FOD Demo是ADF非常重要的一个Demo,是学习ADF的进阶教材。每次推出新版本的JDeveloper和ADF时,都会更新这个Demo。
注意,必须使用和JDeveloper 相匹配的FOD Demo 版本(链接中有说明),否则可能会发布失败。
下面介绍一下如何发布与运行FOD Demo。

1. 发布
解压zip包后,使用JDeveloper打开Infrastucture Application。打开Infrastucture Project,build.properties 文件,修改以下内容,和你的环境相匹配。
# JDBC info used to create Schema
# Information about the default setup for the demo

在Infrastucture Project中找到PRODUCT_TRANSLATIONS.sql文件,用JDeveloper打开,修改第3条Insert语句,在这条语句的最后有一个小方块,去掉它。

右键点击 build.xml,选择 Run Ant Target > buildAll ,如果一切顺利,你应该看到所有语句都执行成功,最后显示:
Total time: 32 seconds

2. 运行StoreFrontModule
使用JDeveloper打开StoreFrontModule Application。
在 Application Navigator中检查一下,数据库连接是否正确,如果发布完全成功的话,应该能够看到FOD Schema 的所有对象。
右键点击StoreFrontService Project,选择Rebuild。
右键点击StoreFrontUI Project,选择Run。

3. 运行MasterPriceList
使用JDeveloper打开MasterPriceList Application。
在 Application Navigator中检查一下,数据库连接是否正确,如果发布完全成功的话,应该能够看到FOD Schema 的所有对象。
右键点击Model Project,选择Rebuild。
右键点击ViewController Project,选择Rebuild。
(1)sking/welcome1 Administrator角色 可以访问并修改信息。
(2)ahunold/welcome1 Manager角色 可以访问信息,但不可以修改信息。

4. Oracle Fusion Order Demo Application 介绍
(1)Infrastructure - 应用所需的基础信息都在这个应用中:创建用户、数据库表、数据。
(2)MasterPriceList - 与Excel集成,展示ADF 桌面应用集成功能。
(3)StandaloneExamples - 包含一些独立的项目,展示Store Front 中没有展示的功能。
(4)StoreFrontModule - 使用了大量ADF技术开发的Web应用:一个电子购物网站。该应用还提供了与CompositeServices module集成的接口。


ADF_048:发布与运行ADF Faces Rich Client Components Demo

ADF Faces组件非常多,令人眼花缭乱,掌握起来要花一定的时间。
为此ADF Faces RC 开发团队特地开发一个ADF Faces Rich Client Components Demo。


注意,必须使用和JDeveloper 相匹配的Demo版本(链接中有说明),否则可能会发布失败。

1. 安装
(2)删除掉新建Applications自带的Projects。选择新建Projects,选择 select Project from WAR File。

(4)选择Project Properties,选择Run Debug Profile,修改,选择Tool Settings,在Before Running中不选择Make Project选项。

2. 运行

ADF_047:ADF工具类:ADFUtil.java 源代码


package com.javaneverdie.adfdemo.table.view.util;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import javax.faces.model.SelectItem;

import oracle.adf.model.BindingContext;
import oracle.adf.model.binding.DCBindingContainer;
import oracle.adf.model.binding.DCIteratorBinding;
import oracle.adf.model.binding.DCParameter;

import oracle.adf.share.logging.ADFLogger;

import oracle.binding.AttributeBinding;
import oracle.binding.BindingContainer;

import oracle.binding.ControlBinding;

import oracle.binding.OperationBinding;

import oracle.jbo.ApplicationModule;
import oracle.jbo.Key;
import oracle.jbo.Row;
import oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlValueBinding;

* A series of convenience functions for dealing with ADF Bindings.
* Note: Updated for JDeveloper 11
* @author Duncan Mills
* @author Steve Muench
* $Id: ADFUtils.java 2513 2007-09-20 20:39:13Z ralsmith $.
public class ADFUtils {

public static final ADFLogger LOGGER =

* Get application module for an application module data control by name.
* @param name application module data control name
* @return ApplicationModule
public static ApplicationModule getApplicationModuleForDataControl(String name) {
return (ApplicationModule)JSFUtils.resolveExpression("#{data." + name +

* A convenience method for getting the value of a bound attribute in the
* current page context programatically.
* @param attributeName of the bound value in the pageDef
* @return value of the attribute
public static Object getBoundAttributeValue(String attributeName) {
return findControlBinding(attributeName).getInputValue();

* A convenience method for setting the value of a bound attribute in the
* context of the current page.
* @param attributeName of the bound value in the pageDef
* @param value to set
public static void setBoundAttributeValue(String attributeName,
Object value) {

* Returns the evaluated value of a pageDef parameter.
* @param pageDefName reference to the page definition file of the page with the parameter
* @param parameterName name of the pagedef parameter
* @return evaluated value of the parameter as a String
public static Object getPageDefParameterValue(String pageDefName,
String parameterName) {
BindingContainer bindings = findBindingContainer(pageDefName);
DCParameter param =
return param.getValue();

* Convenience method to find a DCControlBinding as an AttributeBinding
* to get able to then call getInputValue() or setInputValue() on it.
* @param bindingContainer binding container
* @param attributeName name of the attribute binding.
* @return the control value binding with the name passed in.
public static AttributeBinding findControlBinding(BindingContainer bindingContainer,
String attributeName) {
if (attributeName != null) {
if (bindingContainer != null) {
ControlBinding ctrlBinding =
if (ctrlBinding instanceof AttributeBinding) {
return (AttributeBinding)ctrlBinding;
return null;

* Convenience method to find a DCControlBinding as a JUCtrlValueBinding
* to get able to then call getInputValue() or setInputValue() on it.
* @param attributeName name of the attribute binding.
* @return the control value binding with the name passed in.
public static AttributeBinding findControlBinding(String attributeName) {
return findControlBinding(getBindingContainer(), attributeName);

* Return the current page's binding container.
* @return the current page's binding container
public static BindingContainer getBindingContainer() {
return (BindingContainer)JSFUtils.resolveExpression("#{bindings}");

* Return the Binding Container as a DCBindingContainer.
* @return current binding container as a DCBindingContainer
public static DCBindingContainer getDCBindingContainer() {
return (DCBindingContainer)getBindingContainer();

* Get List of ADF Faces SelectItem for an iterator binding.
* Uses the value of the 'valueAttrName' attribute as the key for
* the SelectItem key.
* @param iteratorName ADF iterator binding name
* @param valueAttrName name of the value attribute to use
* @param displayAttrName name of the attribute from iterator rows to display
* @return ADF Faces SelectItem for an iterator binding
public static List selectItemsForIterator(String iteratorName,
String valueAttrName,
String displayAttrName) {
return selectItemsForIterator(findIterator(iteratorName),
valueAttrName, displayAttrName);

* Get List of ADF Faces SelectItem for an iterator binding with description.
* Uses the value of the 'valueAttrName' attribute as the key for
* the SelectItem key.
* @param iteratorName ADF iterator binding name
* @param valueAttrName name of the value attribute to use
* @param displayAttrName name of the attribute from iterator rows to display
* @param descriptionAttrName name of the attribute to use for description
* @return ADF Faces SelectItem for an iterator binding with description
public static List selectItemsForIterator(String iteratorName,
String valueAttrName,
String displayAttrName,
String descriptionAttrName) {
return selectItemsForIterator(findIterator(iteratorName),
valueAttrName, displayAttrName,

* Get List of attribute values for an iterator.
* @param iteratorName ADF iterator binding name
* @param valueAttrName value attribute to use
* @return List of attribute values for an iterator
public static List attributeListForIterator(String iteratorName,
String valueAttrName) {
return attributeListForIterator(findIterator(iteratorName),

* Get List of Key objects for rows in an iterator.
* @param iteratorName iterabot binding name
* @return List of Key objects for rows
public static List keyListForIterator(String iteratorName) {
return keyListForIterator(findIterator(iteratorName));

* Get List of Key objects for rows in an iterator.
* @param iter iterator binding
* @return List of Key objects for rows
public static List keyListForIterator(DCIteratorBinding iter) {
List attributeList = new ArrayList();
for (Row r : iter.getAllRowsInRange()) {
return attributeList;

* Get List of Key objects for rows in an iterator using key attribute.
* @param iteratorName iterator binding name
* @param keyAttrName name of key attribute to use
* @return List of Key objects for rows
public static List keyAttrListForIterator(String iteratorName,
String keyAttrName) {
return keyAttrListForIterator(findIterator(iteratorName), keyAttrName);

* Get List of Key objects for rows in an iterator using key attribute.
* @param iter iterator binding
* @param keyAttrName name of key attribute to use
* @return List of Key objects for rows
public static List keyAttrListForIterator(DCIteratorBinding iter,
String keyAttrName) {
List attributeList = new ArrayList();
for (Row r : iter.getAllRowsInRange()) {
attributeList.add(new Key(new Object[] { r.getAttribute(keyAttrName) }));
return attributeList;

* Get a List of attribute values for an iterator.
* @param iter iterator binding
* @param valueAttrName name of value attribute to use
* @return List of attribute values
public static List attributeListForIterator(DCIteratorBinding iter,
String valueAttrName) {
List attributeList = new ArrayList();
for (Row r : iter.getAllRowsInRange()) {
return attributeList;

* Find an iterator binding in the current binding container by name.
* @param name iterator binding name
* @return iterator binding
public static DCIteratorBinding findIterator(String name) {
DCIteratorBinding iter =
if (iter == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Iterator '" + name + "' not found");
return iter;

* @param bindingContainer
* @param iterator
* @return
public static DCIteratorBinding findIterator(String bindingContainer,
String iterator) {
DCBindingContainer bindings =
(DCBindingContainer)JSFUtils.resolveExpression("#{" +
bindingContainer +
if (bindings == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Binding container '" +
bindingContainer + "' not found");
DCIteratorBinding iter = bindings.findIteratorBinding(iterator);
if (iter == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Iterator '" + iterator +
"' not found");
return iter;

* @param name
* @return
public static JUCtrlValueBinding findCtrlBinding(String name) {
JUCtrlValueBinding rowBinding =
if (rowBinding == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("CtrlBinding " + name + "' not found");
return rowBinding;

* Find an operation binding in the current binding container by name.
* @param name operation binding name
* @return operation binding
public static OperationBinding findOperation(String name) {
OperationBinding op =
if (op == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Operation '" + name + "' not found");
return op;

* Find an operation binding in the current binding container by name.
* @param bindingContianer binding container name
* @param opName operation binding name
* @return operation binding
public static OperationBinding findOperation(String bindingContianer,
String opName) {
DCBindingContainer bindings =
(DCBindingContainer)JSFUtils.resolveExpression("#{" +
bindingContianer +
if (bindings == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Binding container '" +
bindingContianer + "' not found");
OperationBinding op = bindings.getOperationBinding(opName);
if (op == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Operation '" + opName + "' not found");
return op;

* Get List of ADF Faces SelectItem for an iterator binding with description.
* Uses the value of the 'valueAttrName' attribute as the key for
* the SelectItem key.
* @param iter ADF iterator binding
* @param valueAttrName name of value attribute to use for key
* @param displayAttrName name of the attribute from iterator rows to display
* @param descriptionAttrName name of the attribute for description
* @return ADF Faces SelectItem for an iterator binding with description
public static List selectItemsForIterator(DCIteratorBinding iter,
String valueAttrName,
String displayAttrName,
String descriptionAttrName) {
List selectItems = new ArrayList();
for (Row r : iter.getAllRowsInRange()) {
selectItems.add(new SelectItem(r.getAttribute(valueAttrName),
return selectItems;

* Get List of ADF Faces SelectItem for an iterator binding.
* Uses the value of the 'valueAttrName' attribute as the key for
* the SelectItem key.
* @param iter ADF iterator binding
* @param valueAttrName name of value attribute to use for key
* @param displayAttrName name of the attribute from iterator rows to display
* @return ADF Faces SelectItem for an iterator binding
public static List selectItemsForIterator(DCIteratorBinding iter,
String valueAttrName,
String displayAttrName) {
List selectItems = new ArrayList();
for (Row r : iter.getAllRowsInRange()) {
selectItems.add(new SelectItem(r.getAttribute(valueAttrName),
return selectItems;

* Get List of ADF Faces SelectItem for an iterator binding.
* Uses the rowKey of each row as the SelectItem key.
* @param iteratorName ADF iterator binding name
* @param displayAttrName name of the attribute from iterator rows to display
* @return ADF Faces SelectItem for an iterator binding
public static List selectItemsByKeyForIterator(String iteratorName,
String displayAttrName) {
return selectItemsByKeyForIterator(findIterator(iteratorName),

* Get List of ADF Faces SelectItem for an iterator binding with discription.
* Uses the rowKey of each row as the SelectItem key.
* @param iteratorName ADF iterator binding name
* @param displayAttrName name of the attribute from iterator rows to display
* @param descriptionAttrName name of the attribute for description
* @return ADF Faces SelectItem for an iterator binding with discription
public static List selectItemsByKeyForIterator(String iteratorName,
String displayAttrName,
String descriptionAttrName) {
return selectItemsByKeyForIterator(findIterator(iteratorName),

* Get List of ADF Faces SelectItem for an iterator binding with discription.
* Uses the rowKey of each row as the SelectItem key.
* @param iter ADF iterator binding
* @param displayAttrName name of the attribute from iterator rows to display
* @param descriptionAttrName name of the attribute for description
* @return ADF Faces SelectItem for an iterator binding with discription
public static List selectItemsByKeyForIterator(DCIteratorBinding iter,
String displayAttrName,
String descriptionAttrName) {
List selectItems = new ArrayList();
for (Row r : iter.getAllRowsInRange()) {
selectItems.add(new SelectItem(r.getKey(),
return selectItems;

* Get List of ADF Faces SelectItem for an iterator binding.
* Uses the rowKey of each row as the SelectItem key.
* @param iter ADF iterator binding
* @param displayAttrName name of the attribute from iterator rows to display
* @return List of ADF Faces SelectItem for an iterator binding
public static List selectItemsByKeyForIterator(DCIteratorBinding iter,
String displayAttrName) {
List selectItems = new ArrayList();
for (Row r : iter.getAllRowsInRange()) {
selectItems.add(new SelectItem(r.getKey(),
return selectItems;

* Find the BindingContainer for a page definition by name.
* Typically used to refer eagerly to page definition parameters. It is
* not best practice to reference or set bindings in binding containers
* that are not the one for the current page.
* @param pageDefName name of the page defintion XML file to use
* @return BindingContainer ref for the named definition
private static BindingContainer findBindingContainer(String pageDefName) {
BindingContext bctx = getDCBindingContainer().getBindingContext();
BindingContainer foundContainer =
return foundContainer;

* @param opList
public static void printOperationBindingExceptions(List opList) {
if (opList != null && !opList.isEmpty()) {
for (Object error : opList) {

ADF_046:ADF工具类:JSFUtil.java 源代码

package com.javaneverdie.adfdemo.table.view.util;

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.MissingResourceException;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;

import javax.el.ELContext;
import javax.el.ExpressionFactory;

import javax.el.MethodExpression;
import javax.el.ValueExpression;

import javax.faces.application.Application;
import javax.faces.application.FacesMessage;
import javax.faces.component.UIComponent;
import javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot;
import javax.faces.context.ExternalContext;
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;

* General useful static utilies for working with JSF.
* NOTE: Updated to use JSF 1.2 ExpressionFactory.
* @author Duncan Mills
* @author Steve Muench
* $Id: JSFUtils.java 1885 2007-06-26 00:47:41Z ralsmith $
public class JSFUtils {

private static final String NO_RESOURCE_FOUND = "Missing resource: ";

* Method for taking a reference to a JSF binding expression and returning
* the matching object (or creating it).
* @param expression EL expression
* @return Managed object
public static Object resolveExpression(String expression) {
FacesContext facesContext = getFacesContext();
Application app = facesContext.getApplication();
ExpressionFactory elFactory = app.getExpressionFactory();
ELContext elContext = facesContext.getELContext();
ValueExpression valueExp =
elFactory.createValueExpression(elContext, expression,
return valueExp.getValue(elContext);

* @return
public static String resolveRemoteUser() {
FacesContext facesContext = getFacesContext();
ExternalContext ectx = facesContext.getExternalContext();
return ectx.getRemoteUser();

* @return
public static String resolveUserPrincipal() {
FacesContext facesContext = getFacesContext();
ExternalContext ectx = facesContext.getExternalContext();
HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest)ectx.getRequest();
return request.getUserPrincipal().getName();

* @param expression
* @param returnType
* @param argTypes
* @param argValues
* @return
public static Object resolveMethodExpression(String expression,
Class returnType,
Class[] argTypes,
Object[] argValues) {
FacesContext facesContext = getFacesContext();
Application app = facesContext.getApplication();
ExpressionFactory elFactory = app.getExpressionFactory();
ELContext elContext = facesContext.getELContext();
MethodExpression methodExpression =
elFactory.createMethodExpression(elContext, expression, returnType,
return methodExpression.invoke(elContext, argValues);

* Method for taking a reference to a JSF binding expression and returning
* the matching Boolean.
* @param expression EL expression
* @return Managed object
public static Boolean resolveExpressionAsBoolean(String expression) {
return (Boolean)resolveExpression(expression);

* Method for taking a reference to a JSF binding expression and returning
* the matching String (or creating it).
* @param expression EL expression
* @return Managed object
public static String resolveExpressionAsString(String expression) {
return (String)resolveExpression(expression);

* Convenience method for resolving a reference to a managed bean by name
* rather than by expression.
* @param beanName name of managed bean
* @return Managed object
public static Object getManagedBeanValue(String beanName) {
StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer("#{");
return resolveExpression(buff.toString());

* Method for setting a new object into a JSF managed bean
* Note: will fail silently if the supplied object does
* not match the type of the managed bean.
* @param expression EL expression
* @param newValue new value to set
public static void setExpressionValue(String expression, Object newValue) {
FacesContext facesContext = getFacesContext();
Application app = facesContext.getApplication();
ExpressionFactory elFactory = app.getExpressionFactory();
ELContext elContext = facesContext.getELContext();
ValueExpression valueExp =
elFactory.createValueExpression(elContext, expression,

//Check that the input newValue can be cast to the property type
//expected by the managed bean.
//If the managed Bean expects a primitive we rely on Auto-Unboxing
Class bindClass = valueExp.getType(elContext);
if (bindClass.isPrimitive() || bindClass.isInstance(newValue)) {
valueExp.setValue(elContext, newValue);

* Convenience method for setting the value of a managed bean by name
* rather than by expression.
* @param beanName name of managed bean
* @param newValue new value to set
public static void setManagedBeanValue(String beanName, Object newValue) {
StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer("#{");
setExpressionValue(buff.toString(), newValue);

* Convenience method for setting Session variables.
* @param key object key
* @param object value to store
public static

void storeOnSession(String key, Object object) {
FacesContext ctx = getFacesContext();
Map sessionState = ctx.getExternalContext().getSessionMap();
sessionState.put(key, object);

* Convenience method for getting Session variables.
* @param key object key
* @return session object for key
public static Object getFromSession(String key) {
FacesContext ctx = getFacesContext();
Map sessionState = ctx.getExternalContext().getSessionMap();
return sessionState.get(key);

* @param key
* @return
public static String getFromHeader(String key) {
FacesContext ctx = getFacesContext();
ExternalContext ectx = ctx.getExternalContext();
return ectx.getRequestHeaderMap().get(key);

* Convenience method for getting Request variables.
* @param key object key
* @return session object for key
public static Object getFromRequest(String key) {
FacesContext ctx = getFacesContext();
Map sessionState = ctx.getExternalContext().getRequestMap();
return sessionState.get(key);

* Pulls a String resource from the property bundle that
* is defined under the application <message-bundle> element in
* the faces config. Respects Locale
* @param key string message key
* @return Resource value or placeholder error String
public static String getStringFromBundle(String key) {
ResourceBundle bundle = getBundle();
return getStringSafely(bundle, key, null);

* Convenience method to construct a FacesMesssage
* from a defined error key and severity
* This assumes that the error keys follow the convention of
* using _detail for the detailed part of the
* message, otherwise the main message is returned for the
* detail as well.
* @param key for the error message in the resource bundle
* @param severity severity of message
* @return Faces Message object
public static FacesMessage getMessageFromBundle(String key,
FacesMessage.Severity severity) {
ResourceBundle bundle = getBundle();
String summary = getStringSafely(bundle, key, null);
String detail = getStringSafely(bundle, key + "_detail", summary);
FacesMessage message = new FacesMessage(summary, detail);
return message;

* Add JSF info message.
* @param msg info message string
public static void addFacesInformationMessage(String msg) {
FacesContext ctx = getFacesContext();
FacesMessage fm =
new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO, msg, "");
ctx.addMessage(getRootViewComponentId(), fm);

* Add JSF error message.
* @param msg error message string
public static void addFacesErrorMessage(String msg) {
FacesContext ctx = getFacesContext();
FacesMessage fm =
new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, msg, "");
ctx.addMessage(getRootViewComponentId(), fm);

* Add JSF error message for a specific attribute.
* @param attrName name of attribute
* @param msg error message string
public static void addFacesErrorMessage(String attrName, String msg) {
FacesContext ctx = getFacesContext();
FacesMessage fm =
new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, attrName, msg);
ctx.addMessage(getRootViewComponentId(), fm);

// Informational getters

* Get view id of the view root.
* @return view id of the view root
public static String getRootViewId() {
return getFacesContext().getViewRoot().getViewId();

* Get component id of the view root.
* @return component id of the view root
public static String getRootViewComponentId() {
return getFacesContext().getViewRoot().getId();

* Get FacesContext.
* @return FacesContext
public static FacesContext getFacesContext() {
return FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
* Internal method to pull out the correct local
* message bundle

private static ResourceBundle getBundle() {
FacesContext ctx = getFacesContext();
UIViewRoot uiRoot = ctx.getViewRoot();
Locale locale = uiRoot.getLocale();
ClassLoader ldr = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
return ResourceBundle.getBundle(ctx.getApplication().getMessageBundle(),
locale, ldr);

* Get an HTTP Request attribute.
* @param name attribute name
* @return attribute value
public static Object getRequestAttribute(String name) {
return getFacesContext().getExternalContext().getRequestMap().get(name);

* Set an HTTP Request attribute.
* @param name attribute name
* @param value attribute value
public static void setRequestAttribute(String name, Object value) {

* Internal method to proxy for resource keys that don't exist

private static String getStringSafely(ResourceBundle bundle, String key,
String defaultValue) {
String resource = null;
try {
resource = bundle.getString(key);
} catch (MissingResourceException mrex) {
if (defaultValue != null) {
resource = defaultValue;
} else {
resource = NO_RESOURCE_FOUND + key;
return resource;

* Locate an UIComponent in view root with its component id. Use a recursive way to achieve this.
* @param id UIComponent id
* @return UIComponent object
public static UIComponent findComponentInRoot(String id) {
UIComponent component = null;
FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
if (facesContext != null) {
UIComponent root = facesContext.getViewRoot();
component = findComponent(root, id);
return component;

* Locate an UIComponent from its root component.
* Taken from http://www.jroller.com/page/mert?entry=how_to_find_a_uicomponent
* @param base root Component (parent)
* @param id UIComponent id
* @return UIComponent object
public static UIComponent findComponent(UIComponent base, String id) {
if (id.equals(base.getId()))
return base;

UIComponent children = null;
UIComponent result = null;
Iterator childrens = base.getFacetsAndChildren();
while (childrens.hasNext() && (result == null)) {
children = (UIComponent)childrens.next();
if (id.equals(children.getId())) {
result = children;
result = findComponent(children, id);
if (result != null) {
return result;

* Method to create a redirect URL. The assumption is that the JSF servlet mapping is
* "faces", which is the default
* @param view the JSP or JSPX page to redirect to
* @return a URL to redirect to
public static String getPageURL(String view) {
FacesContext facesContext = getFacesContext();
ExternalContext externalContext = facesContext.getExternalContext();
String url =
StringBuffer newUrlBuffer = new StringBuffer();
newUrlBuffer.append(url.substring(0, url.lastIndexOf("faces/")));
String targetPageUrl = view.startsWith("/") ? view : "/" + view;
return newUrlBuffer.toString();




In a typical JSF application, you would create objects like the userInfoBean object as a managed bean.
在一个典型的JSF应用中,你会使用类似于userInfoBean这样的对象作为Managed Bean。
The JSF runtime manages instantiating these beans on demand when any EL expression references them for the first time.
However, in an application that uses the ADF Model layer, instead of binding the UI component attributes to properties or methods on managed beans, JDeveloper automatically binds the UI component attributes to the ADF Model layer, which uses XML configuration files that drive generic data binding features.
然而,一个使用了ADF Model的应用,不是把UI组件绑定到Managed Bean的属性或方法上,而是将其绑定到ADF Moel层:使用XML配置文件来驱动数据绑定关系。
It implements the two concepts in JSR-227 that enable decoupling the user interface technology from the business service implementation: data controls and declarative bindings.
它使用了JSR-227标准中的两个概念:Data Control和声明式的Data Binding,从而解耦了UI层和业务服务层,即UI组件与业务服务层的实现无关。

In the model layer, Oracle ADF Model implements the JSR-227 service abstraction called the data control.
在模型层,ADF Model实现了JSR-227服务抽象标准:Data Control。
Data controls abstract the implementation technology of a business service by using standard metadata interfaces to describe the service’s operations and data collections, including information about the properties, methods,and types involved.
Data Control通过使用标准的元数据接口来描述服务的操作和数据集合(包括属性、方法、数据类型),从而抽象了业务服务层的实现。
Using JDeveloper, you can view that information as icons that you can then drag and drop onto a page.
At that point, JDeveloper automatically creates the bindings from the page to the services.
使用JDeveloper,你可以拖放Data Control到页面上,创建UI组件的同时生成与业务服务的绑定关系。
At runtime, the ADF Model layer reads the information describing your data controls and data bindings from appropriate XML files and implements the two-way connection between your user interface and your business service.
在运行时,ADF Model层通过读取一些XML文件来获得Data Control和Data Binding信息,从而在UI层和业务服务层之间建立了“双向连接”。



本文最后一次修改时间: 2012-01-19。
运行环境:JDeveloper + Oracle Database 10g Express Edition。

我以《使用ADF实现基于Form的CRUD (3)》的项目代码为例,展示如何在ADF页面中显示警告信息。

1. 显示在某个组件的旁边

1.1 组件已经绑定在Managed Bean中
选中该组件,找到Binding属性,然后选择或创建Managed Bean和属性名称。


public void lastButton_actionListener(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
if (!isDirty()) {
BindingContainer bindings = getBindings();
OperationBinding operationBinding = bindings.getOperationBinding("Last");
Object result = operationBinding.execute();
} else {

public void popupMessage(String clientId, String message) {
FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
context.addMessage(clientId, new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO, message, null));



1.2 通过组件上的事件获取组件

public void lastButton_actionListener(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
if (!isDirty()) {
BindingContainer bindings = getBindings();
OperationBinding operationBinding = bindings.getOperationBinding("Last");
Object result = operationBinding.execute();
} else {

public void popupMessage(ActionEvent actionEvent, String message) {
FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO, message, null));


1.3 使用JSFUtils.getRootViewComponentId 获取根组件id

public void lastButton_actionListener(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
if (!isDirty()) {
BindingContainer bindings = getBindings();
OperationBinding operationBinding = bindings.getOperationBinding("Last");
Object result = operationBinding.execute();
} else {

1.4 使用JSFUtils.findComponentInRoot获取根组件对象

public void lastButton_actionListener(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
if (!isDirty()) {
BindingContainer bindings = getBindings();
OperationBinding operationBinding = bindings.getOperationBinding("Last");
Object result = operationBinding.execute();
} else {


2. 显示在页面中央,以弹出窗口的形式,适用于全局性的重要提示或错误警告

public void popupMessage(String message) {
FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
context.addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO, message, null));

Project 下载:Form_CRUD(popupMessage).7z

1. http://adfjsf.blogspot.com/2009/08/programmatic-error-message-in-adf-11g.html
2. http://mukx.blogspot.com/2009/01/adf-10g-how-to-show-faces-message-both.html

ADF_043:使用ADF实现基于Form的CRUD (3)

运行环境:JDeveloper + Oracle Database 10g Express Edition。


(1)当用户修改数据项并点击导航按钮后,相当于点击了Submit按钮,这时数据改动已经提交到了模型层,Application Module可以感知到模型层数据发生了修改。


1. 复制JSFUtil.java和ADFUtil.java到View Controller Project。

2. 把Managed Bean的一些工具方法总结出来,创建一个BaseBackingBean。

public BindingContainer getBindings() {
return BindingContext.getCurrent().getCurrentBindingsEntry();

public boolean isDirty() {
ApplicationModule am = ADFUtils.getDCBindingContainer().getDataControl().getApplicationModule();
return am.getTransaction().isDirty();

public boolean isCommitEnabled() {
Boolean commitState = (Boolean)JSFUtils.getManagedBeanValue("bindings.Commit.enabled");
boolean commitEnabled = commitState != null ? commitState.booleanValue() : false;
return commitEnabled;

public void popupMessage(String message) {
FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
context.addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO, message, null));

public void popupMessage(ActionEvent actionEvent, String message) {
FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO, message, null));

3. 使用Java代码调用First、Previous、Next、Last Operation
方式和调用Delete Operation一样,都是通过BindingContainer找到OperationBinding。
这里只列出调用First Operation的代码:

public void firstButton_actionListener(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
if (!isDirty()) {
BindingContainer bindings = getBindings();
OperationBinding operationBinding = bindings.getOperationBinding("First");
Object result = operationBinding.execute();
} else {

<af:commandButton text="First" disabled="#{!bindings.First.enabled}" partialSubmit="true" id="cb1"

4. 运行



Project 下载: Form_CRUD(3).7z


ADF_042:使用ADF实现基于Form的CRUD (2)

运行环境:JDeveloper + Oracle Database 10g Express Edition。



1. 拖放Popup组件到Delete按钮后面,拖放Dialog组件到Popup组件中,拖放OutputText组件到Dialog组件中

2. 拖放Show Popup Behavior Operation到Delete按钮上
Show Popup Behavior是用来触发Popup组件的,设置其属性如下图:

3. 使用dialogListener来监听用户选择了“确定”or“取消”
找到Dialog组件,设置其dialogListener属性,选择新Managed Bean和方法deleteDialogListener。


public void deleteDialogListener(DialogEvent dialogEvent) {
if (dialogEvent.getOutcome().equals(DialogEvent.Outcome.ok)){


4. 使用Java代码调用Delete按钮
<af:commandButton actionListener="#{bindings.Delete.execute}" text="Delete" disabled="#{!bindings.Delete.enabled}" id="cb7">
<af:showPopupBehavior popupId="popupDelete" triggerType="action" align="endAfter"/>


public BindingContainer getBindings() {
return BindingContext.getCurrent().getCurrentBindingsEntry();

public String cb7_action() {
BindingContainer bindings = getBindings();
OperationBinding operationBinding = bindings.getOperationBinding("Delete");
Object result = operationBinding.execute();
if (!operationBinding.getErrors().isEmpty()) {
return null;
return null;

<af:commandButton text="Delete" action="#{myBackingBean.cb7_action}" disabled="#{!bindings.Delete.enabled}" id="cb7">
<af:showPopupBehavior popupId="popupDelete" triggerType="action" align="endAfter"/>


private void doDelete() {
BindingContainer bindings = getBindings();
OperationBinding operationBinding = bindings.getOperationBinding("Delete");
Object result = operationBinding.execute();
if (operationBinding.getErrors().isEmpty()) {
operationBinding = bindings.getOperationBinding("Commit");

<af:commandButton text="Delete" disabled="#{!bindings.Delete.enabled}" id="cb7">
<af:showPopupBehavior popupId="popupDelete" triggerType="action" align="endAfter"/>
<af:popup childCreation="deferred" autoCancel="disabled" id="popupDelete">
<af:dialog id="d2" title="Confirm Delete"
<f:facet name="buttonBar"/>
<af:outputText value="The record will be deleted, are you sure?" id="ot1"/>

5. 运行

Project 下载: Form_CRUD(2).7z

ADF_041:使用ADF实现基于Form的CRUD (1)

运行环境:JDeveloper + Oracle Database 10g Express Edition。



1. 创建 Fusion ADF Web Application

2. 在Model Project中,选择Jobs表,并为其创建EO和VO

3. 在View Controller Project中,创建页面:form_crud.jsf
(1)从Data Control中拖放JobVO1到页面上,选择生成Form。

(2)从Data Control中拖放CreateInsert、Delete、Commit、Rollback Operation到页面上,选择生成Button。
(3)把Submit按钮、CreateInsert按钮、Delete按钮放在一个Panel Group Layout中。
(4)为Form加一个“外套”:Panel Box,注意把其Type属性=stretch,这样它会根据Form大小显示,看起来比较美观。
(5)把Commit按钮和Rollback按钮,放到Panel Box中的Toolbar中。

4. 运行


Project 下载: Form_CRUD(1).7z



1. 查看 ADF BC 日志
双击打开Model项目,选择“Run/Debug/Profile”项,在“Run Configurations”中选中Default,点击“Edit”按钮,在Java Options中写入-Djbo.debugoutput=console。
  • 操作系统信息

  • Java虚拟机信息

  • 创建BindingContext信息

  • 装载BC4J属性

  • 创建数据库连接信息

  • 创建业务实体信息

(2)右键点击AppModule,选择“Debug”,随着操作一些信息会打印到控制台,如SQL 语句之类的信息。
import oracle.adf.share.logging.ADFLogger;
import oracle.jbo.server.ViewObjectImpl;
public class EmployeesViewImpl extends ViewObjectImpl {
private static ADFLogger logger = ADFLogger.createADFLogger(EmployeesViewImpl.class);
public EmployeesViewImpl() {
logger.info("EmployeesViewImpl ADFLogger Test!");

2. 查看 ADF Web 应用日志(1)同上(1)。
(2)设置完第一步后,还不能打印出日志信息,因为还需要设置Log 级别。
View -> Application Server Navigator,右键点击IntegratedWebLogicServer,选择 Configure Oracle Diagnostic Logging for “IntegratedWebLogicServer”。
设置你的Log 级别, 一般来说,根据package来设置比较好,否则信息太多不好找,速度也慢。
比如把package以oracle打头的级别设置为Info,对应Java Log Levels;或者Notification:1,对应ODL Log Levels。

3. 使用Oracle Diagnostic Log Analyzer 分析日志

1. http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/jdev/tips/muench/debugger/index.html
2. http://jdeveloperfaq.blogspot.com/2009/12/faq-6-how-to-fine-tune-adf-diagnostics.html
3. http://eleven-china.blogspot.com/2009/01/adf-logger.html
4. http://jdeveloperfaq.blogspot.com/2010/01/faq-8-how-to-perform-log-analysis-using.html
5. http://oracleseeker.com/2008/11/20/debugging_adf_business_component_by_adflogger/
6. http://oracleseeker.com/2008/11/30/debugging_configuration_logging_for_adflogger/


开发环境:JDevloper Oracle Database 10g Express Edition。



1. 打开HR_EJB_JPA应用,新建一个页面:testPageFirstLoading.jsf

2. 从Data Control中拖放getEmployeesFindBySal方法的名称到页面,生成查询表单

3. 从Data Control中拖放getEmployeesFindBySal方法的返回值Employees到页面,生成查询结果Table


4. 在Model Project中,找到HRFacadeBean.java
/** <code>select o from Employees o where o.salary > :p_sal</code> */
public List<Employees> getEmployeesFindBySal(BigDecimal p_sal) {
System.out.println("Hi, I am in getEmployeesFindBySal(BigDecimal p_sal).");
return em.createNamedQuery("Employees.findBySal").setParameter("p_sal", p_sal).getResultList();

5. 运行testPageFirstLoading.jsf
页面Load完毕后,我们清楚地看到日志中有一行话:Hi, I am in getEmployeesFindBySal(BigDecimal p_sal).


6. 如何让页面初次Load时不调用了查询方法?
在本例中,输入参数是p_sal,其不为空的EL表达式为:#{bindings.p_sal.inputValue ne null}。
因此,在testPageFirstLoading.jsf页面中,选择Bindings Tab,选择getEmployeesFindBySalIterator,设置其RefreshCondition为:#{bindings.p_sal.inputValue ne null}。


因为不管模型层使用的是哪种技术,都是用的ADF Data Control生成的绑定关系。
当然,如果能够看到查询的SQL 语句,也能说明执行了查询。

在ADF10g中,设置${adfFacesContext.postback == true}作为Iterator的刷新条件。


Project 下载: HR_EJB_JPA PageLoad.7z

1. https://blogs.oracle.com/shay/entry/delay_method_execution_when_us
2. https://blogs.oracle.com/shay/entry/preventing_queries_when_page_f
3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=704w8786i14
4. http://adfdevelopers.blogspot.com/2009/06/preventing-execution-of-queries-when.html



运行环境:JDeveloper + Oracle Database 10g Express Edition。

完成《Getting Started with ADF Desktop Integration


本文最近一次修改时间为 2011-09-30,本实验使用JDeveloper重新开发。
完成《Build a Web Application with JDeveloper 11g Using EJB, JPA, and JavaServer Faces》。


1. 从数据库表创建JPA Entities,生成相应的java文件,主要包括Entities的属性和CRUD方法。

2. 创建EJB Session Bean,选择Persistence Type=JPA,选择暴露哪些Entities上的方法。
Entity如果增加了新的方法想要通过Session Bean 调用,右键点击EJB Session Bean,选择Edit Session Facade,把新方法加进来即可,然后重新生成Data Control。
创建SessionFacade Bean用来访问EJB或Entities的,其它Java Client不能直接访问Entities,而只能通过SessionFacade Bean,这是一种很好的设计模式。
Client端无需依赖业务对象(其它EJB或Entities)的实现,即使接口改变,也可以做到Client不变,修改SessionFacade Bean相对来说比修改Client要容易很多。
而SessionFacade Bean也是部署在Server端的,这样就避免了不必要的网络传输,当然这里有一个粒度设计的问题。
关于SessionFacade设计模式,请参考《门面模式 Facade》。

指定SessionFacade Bean要实现的接口:
(1)Remote Interface:客户端程序与SessionFacade Bean运行在不同的JVM中,比如Java Standalone Client。
(2)Local Interface:客户端程序与SessionFacade Bean运行在同一个的JVM中,比如Web Client。

3. 右键SessionFacade Bean,生成Data Control
这时,所有暴露在Local Interface的方法,将会出现在Data Control中。

4. 测试Session Bean
测试Session Bean非常简单 ,右键点击EJB Session Bean,选择New Sample Java Client,就会帮你生成测试代码,你只需要传一些必要的参数即可。
测试前,先要运行Session Bean(把Session Bean 发布到WLS上,并启动),然后右键点击Java Client,选择Run。

5. 在Java EE Container外部创建JPA Entities
JPA Entities 也可以不在Java EE Container中运行,在Java SE Container中也可以调用。
你需要创建一个新的persistence unit,右键点击persistence.xml选择New Java Service Facade,选择Persistence Type=JPA,选择暴露哪些Entities上的方法。
在main函数中,可以增加你的测试代码,并直接运行——不需要先运行Session Bean。

6. 创建页面时,拖放persist方法提交数据

7. 创建Taskflow时,使用PageflowScope在两个页面之间传递数据
Find按钮上使用Set Action Listener传递参数。

(1)首先有一个带返回值和输入参数的方法:比如List getEmployeesFindBySal(BigDecimal p_sal)。
(2)在Data Control 中拖放该方法名称到第1个页面,生成查询表单。
(4)在Data Control中拖放该方法的返回值名称到第2个页面,生成查询结构列表。

1. http://blogs.oracle.com/adf/entry/difference_between_ejb_persist_merge_operation
2. http://blogs.oracle.com/shay/entry/insert_update_for_jpaejb_30_wi

Project 下载:HR_EJB_JPA.7z