
JON_006:JBoss Operations Network 3.3 使用问与答

1. 用户名和口令肯定正确,但登陆时点击确认后,刚要进入主页,页面闪回登陆页面。
用户的浏览器时间是正确的, 当用户登陆时,设置用户的Session生效时间(服务器的时间),然后跟用户浏览器的时间比较,发现用户的Session信息已经过期,因此重新跳回登陆页面,要求用户重新登陆。

2. Agent 连不上 Server 怎么办?
> config list
> setconfig rhq.agent.server.bind-address=
> shutdown
> start
Starting the agent...
The agent is waiting for plugins to be downloaded...
Started the agent successfully.
> !!! A server has registered under a loopback address [localhost] - this should only be done for testing and demo purposes. Only agents running on the same machine as that server will be able to interact with that server successfully. Please double check that you really want your server to have a public endpoint of [localhost]. See the Administration (Topology) > Servers menu in the server GUI to change the public endpoint of the server.
> register
The agent will now attempt to register itself with the server.
Regenerating token=[false]
Waiting 30 seconds...
The current registration for this agent is: AgentRegistrationResults: [agent-token=ceU8k6RUwwC8/nZjV8nOnyFHrQuxSkPo2nNCqJTZD+2+qF8KHHiqAe0TkkO4Li6x80Q=]
> ping
Ping results: [Ack: PING]
